Liners, chimney flue, slip casting and accessories for chimney restoration, chimney sealing and ventilation

Swedflex AB is the company that serves craftsmen with artisan knowledge, experience and innovation in materials and production techniques. We manufacture flexible liners and chimney flues for all chimneys and for chimney repairs and ventilation. Perfect for those wanting to renovate the house, repair the chimney or build a new house. We also sell slip casting for chimney sealing.
On the Swedish market there are several producers in chimney craftsmanship, with different types of materials, liners, chimney tubes, ventilation hose and winding technology for chimney restoration. For slip casting there’s also available a variety of slip casting mortars with different characteristics.
We all producers have a common interest to express why our product is what you, as artisans or as a consumer, shall use. Often it’s also the vendors who are the best talkinger that comes home with the order, which is not something new, but this will now change.
Swedflex AB - Founded by craftsmen. for craftsmen
CHANGE, what?? Well, Swedflex AB is namely a company founded by craftsmen with the knowledge and the power to question why a product for chimney restoration and chimney seal shall have a special design that benefit the end consumer, the artisan, and even the chimney sweeper who shall work with the cleanup of the chimney. This combination and win-win situation is a theme that we can stand for without anyone becomes two meters high with gold on the shoulders. Our concept is based on experience and questioning in combination with craftsmanship, and this we are proud of. Our knowledge are communicated to all the craftsmen in Sweden, Norway and Finland, which currently works with us as good business partners across the Nordic borders.
We are not the biggest, but we are hard working to accomplish a good cooperation in the future....